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It's Time to Meet Your Flock!

This year is more about testimony than tradition!

I hear the Father declare over February, “Make ready the launching pads, it’s time to take off! Stand at the crossroads and lift up your lamp, it’s time for the mothers to arise and gather the children. Many mothers have been displaced, young and old, and have been forced to straddle two continents of contention on behalf of the children, with one foot in one location and one foot in another. It is your heart that I hear, says the Father. Ask for the unthinkable! I hover. I watch. I hear. I know the plot by the enemy and I require your skills, your experience, your willingness to be my hands, be my voice on behalf of those who need a family. Remove yourself from the turmoil of two nations and step onto a ground that will not be shaken. You believe yourself robbed, but your prayers availeth much. Recompense is coming.

It’s time to open your heart and let lose the thoughts you have been pondering and turn them into declarations!

The role of a mother has been marginalized to the Devil’s demise. Don’t doubt your status because you are a mother. You came from Me, says the Father, “and My heart is as concerned and moved as yours. It’s time for payback! The enemy has convinced many in the church that they are unqualified, not wise enough, lacking in skill but hear Me today: it is your experience and your testimony that I covet. Share your testimony, teach those whom I am sending. They need someone to tell them that they are the next generation, the next big wave of My glory here on the earth. They need to know that I love them. It is imperative that you shake off the dust.

It’s graduation day and time for you to meet your flock!

There are so many children who are eagerly waiting to be loved and led. Lead them to Love, says the Father. Many of the students I am sending to you have never been taught the basic life skills that will get them where they’re going. It’s going to be basic training boot camp and while you teach, share your stories...every single one! Steer clear from talking yourself out of sharing a small remembrance of experience because they are going to need to hear what normal sounds like- they will want to see what heaven on earth can look like. It will be work, but the best kind, says the Father. Mamas and Papas you make up the church. Just as Paul describes the church as a gentle mother who nurses her children, so will you be that “mother”. I identified Jerusalem as the mother of us all- she is the church gathered and a symbol of the gentile and jew together in one accord as the arms of the mother who comforts.

As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you…” Isaiah 66:13 (AMP)

Listen and locate where the mothers of your day are walking- they are like the virgins trimming the lamps, and the unnamed heroines of old recovering and restoring the children’s bread. I am sending forth My spirit to awaken the sanctity and honor of a mother’s role. While the enemy tarnishes a mother’s image in a heap of so-called newsworthy ashes, you will see My hand extended to her, pull her up out of the ash heap and place a crown of beauty upon her head while I demand recompense with interest for everything the enemy has taken from her. Prepare yourself for a season of miracles like none other. This is groundbreaking and a time when tradition will be transformed into divine order.

It is time for the mother church to overcome her lowly state and become the mother to many without a resume or any qualifications other than a call from the orphan who cries out, ‘I need a mother.’ I have arranged for specific mothers to lead the procession down the religious halls, marching with banners loudly proclaiming their grievances while leading the children out of the prisons of bondage and unbelief”

Even though we could have imposed upon you our demands as apostles of Christ, instead we showed you kindness and were gentle among you. We cared for you in the same way a nursing mother cares for her own children. 1 Thessalonians 2:7 (TPT)

I see the Father’s arms and then I see the church equally wrap their arms around the lost children in an all-encompassing wraparound hug. I see where the aged and seasoned mothers and fathers have sat in the pews and the benches and chairs waiting and waiting. They have been waiting for an audience and people to share what they know. They are so full that they are becoming tired from carrying around the anointing and having no place to release what they know. The mamas and the papas make up the very fiber of God’s deep heart desires for the orphans of this generation. Those orphans are coming with a bizarre and skewed perspective of what a family is supposed to look like and an equally skewed self-perspective.

These children aren’t all going to be little, although some of them will, but they will have a stunted perspective of themselves and will lack basic social skills. They are survivors from an assault by the enemy and the world and God is waking up the elders to go and get them!

I see the children looking around aloof and confused asking, Where is my mother? Where is my father? I see the parents of these children in meetings and boardrooms defending their right and the rights of others, so consumed with pioneering their ideas and proving their points and completely justified by statistics and cultural norms. Because of their Zeal, many children are falling between the cracks--they are the young ones. Then I watch as the children walk away...that is the field that is white and ripe for the harvest…They are walking away knowing their rights and nothing more.

“They are going to bump into you, declares the Father. “Wrap your arms around them. Love them. You carry My presence-you are the church,” declares the Father. “Take Me to them, wrap your arms around them and become that Mother Church that no one turns away- you don’t have to accomplish this type of love or adoption in a building- you be the building!

And there is more; it’s not just creation—all of us are groaning together too. Though we have already tasted the firstfruits of the Spirit, we are longing for the total redemption of our bodies that comes when our adoption as children of God is complete—Romans 8:23

"Adoption only requires one thing, says the Father. A person. That person is Jesus who lives big on the inside of you!

Those who are called for this season carry within them a fine oil that will burn hot and steady as they teach the way of love.

You will teach them the difference between playing with matches and lighting a lamp!

Be not dismayed. Love wins. The enemy thought he had his day: the magazines, the media and the movies offer little evidence of who and how a mother is to be. The presence of mother resonates within My heart, says the Father, It IS My heart- “she’ is My heart. She is a living breathing person, connected together many parts-living stones-of a single holy nation. A bride, a mother, a nation under My covering- that is who you are to me- be intentional as you go looking for neither slave nor free, gentile nor Jew, male nor female but for those that would be adopted with the full title of heir and son.”

The Father showed me that some of you will literally adopt, others of you will open orphanages and some of you will birth new life so that the honor of mothering and righteous authority from a mother will be restored. This isn’t going to look like anything you have ever witnessed before. There will be many "Sarahs" this year, beginning in February, who will birth sons and daughters later in life- a second life to commemorate the second coming. The news won’t be able to ignore the accounts. While many twins have been birthed to demonstrate the double portion of blessing and restoration over the earth, the second wave of miraculous births is building. The momentum is increasing as each one called drops off their acceptance letter with AMEN, I”M ALL IN! I am invading the earth and it is all through my people.

There are some forerunners who have been parenting all along. There are some in your flock who need to be launched because it is time for them to share the love and share their testimony of revelatory healing. They need to be pushed out of the nest, their wing span is taking up too much room for the others I am sending to you. Growth requires a second step: activating what has been learned and that can only be accomplished mid-flight after being pushed out of the nest. They are ready; don't mind the squawking- I am with them! The words of others testimony are going to launch many into ministries that they have only dreamed about. This is the fire that is spreading over the earth. This is the baptism by fire", says the Father.

As I was completing this word, I was sent by the Father to attend a church I had never visited before. More than half of the church population contained the aged and seasoned veterans of the church. After the beautiful service, many young children were baptized and one woman in her thirties was delivered from self-hate. I saw in my spirit that this movement orchestrated by the Father will look black and white- the old and the young- but that there are those whose lives have been robbed and they are still contenders for adoption and restoration! The double and seven redemptive portions are owed- the due date is passed! Now the enemy must double up AGAIN!!!. This generation coming up, from birth to age 16 have been so robbed of their identity. Many of them are wearing contaminated robes of confusion and condemnation. The adversary has placed these robes on the shoulders of these children in an attempt to confuse them so that when the SON comes to them and calls them by name they are unsure There is a specific anointing being released upon the earth for the grandmothers and grandfathers and even great grandmothers and great grandfathers (I hear the Father call them GRANS) to release these children from identity captivity- identity theft!

Identity Theft will be Restored!

Jane and Tiarra learn about rockhounding from their Papa.

I hear the Father say,” Identity theft will be reversed as the stories of how things were done before are shared and passed along. This isn't about tradition, this is about testimony! This is a fire inheritance! You’ve been asking for Baptism by Fire, says the Father, well your fire insurance has paid off!

This special relationship between a child and a grandparent is a FIRE HAZARD to the Devil! The oil is poured and now its time to light the match! As the oil from experience, time, wisdom and knowledge is poured out into this younger generation by the older generation, a fire will begin to kindle and those youth will be passing along what they learn from their grans to their peers. The Father showed me that once ignited this fire will grow so hot, that even those parents who have been turned over to a depraved mind (see Romans 1:26-29) won’t be able to fight the hot white love fire that will ignite within their children.

There are specific churches the Father has set aside as launching pads to launch the GRANS out into their ministry. Bless them and send them out! They will go out and return with such beautiful testimonies and the anointing that drips from off of their words will greatly impact those believers who hear their testimonies.

“The Battle is mine. The victory in mine! It’s time to light that fire!” declares the Father

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15

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