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On the 10th Day of Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas, the Father said to me,

“Today you must rest. Rest in the carriage of My shadow and allow Me to carry you- see My wingspan overshadow those who have tried to cause you harm. See My shadow absorb the poisoned arrows that have been launched against you. My words consume the poison words of man and the venomous thought lies the enemy launches against you. Wrap yourself in My wings, wrap yourself in My shadow knowing I am before you. I am for you and I am taking over the battle. Rest the way an infant rests, swaddled, and drawn close- rest.

"You can only see and discern part of the battle that wages before us. Let Me have full access to your faith and trust Me. I am not only your armor-bearer, but I am also your armor. Become one with Me and so completely rest in Me. This moment is pivotal to win the war against the enemy’s tactics. We have breached enemy lines. Now watch and see as My shadow presence terrorizes the enemy- to the left and to the right- and yet, as you rest you remain unscathed. I know you enjoy the battle- the warrior prayer cry and the spoils. You are no less a warrior on the front lines than when you let Me carry you. Right now, let My presence absorb you, let the singularity of our relationship absorb you. Soak in My presence like a deep oil bath treatment and see the parasites from those who have infected you with their words squeal in protest and go down the drain with the dirty water.

"You are clean radiant one, and no man-opinion can enter the sanctuary of the shadow of my wings.- no reminiscent thoughts of dark days gone by can access you here- you are in the shadow of Love Light personified- a LIGHT Shadow that overtakes the darkness. So bright is your light as you rest in Me that the devil can no longer tolerate being in your presence.

"What if there was a day without warfare? What if you so completely trusted Me that you witnessed the shakable kingdom of darkness overthrown and the final verdict of My judgment, declared for all to hear? Today you will hear the final verdict! I am the final judge on the matter; your oppressors are found guilty as charged! Beginning today, when others attempt to plot against you, they will remember My verdict- My edict, and they will change their minds and decide to give you a gift instead," says the Father.

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